Unilevel MLM Plan
Unilevel MLM software plan is an unlimited width plan.
The first level members can add members to the downline and earn an unlimited bonus. This Plan will help to earn more using lengthy network downline.
There won’t be a spill over process like the other plan as the width offered is enormous.
Advantage of Unilevel MLM software
An introducer will have unlimited downlines. Every Downlines may have unlimited sub-downlines. So it will pay way for everyone to earn. The transparency and real time result will build the customer trust and brings higher customer satisfaction.
Unilevel Compensation Plans
In the Unilevel MLM Software, there are different types of compensation that are used to
increase the stability of the Unilevel structure and to make the team active.
Different types of Commission
Sponsor Bonus
The sponsor bonus works similar to that of other compensations. In unilevel compensation plans, sponsor commission will be sent to distributors. The main use behind this commission is to promote the business so that downline will get increased.
Fast Start Bonus
It will be provided to the introducer.
To accomplish it an introducer has to achieve target. The fast start bonus or commission plays the role of the successful signing up of a new client. Bonus payable is predefined one for every new downline
Level Commissions
Level commission will be provided to distributors based on the sales gained by the downline members. As its uni-level mlm plan, every sponsor will have direct downlines. Every downline will have their own unlimited down members which increases the probability of gaining level commissions
Rank advancement bonus
This bonus will be added to the existing users when they achieve high level rank. It will be one time bonus. Some introducers may lose there if they failed to achieve level hierarchy standards
Leader ship Bonus
Leadership bonus will be provided to sponsors who achieved certain eligibility criteria set by the company. Once they achieved the rank, company, divides the shares between them. This is also called Pool bonus. When comparing to level commissions, Pool bonus very less amount.
Most of the Uni-level compensation plans are absolutely combine of different compensation plans - called hybrid-level plans.
In such cases, the Uni-level plan serves as the base commission type, and other commission types added to this base.